Redefining Education in Our State...
To be Fully and Truly Inclusive...
- AZWINS, created by Arizona TASH as our outreach component, was formed on the belief that all children, regardless of the severity of their disability, deserve to be educated with their peers who do not have disabilities.
- The goal of AZWINS is to provide high quality training and support to school personnel, family members and community service providers in order to establish inclusive practices throughout all of Arizona's schools.
- Inclusive education benefits all students.
The purpose of AZWINS training is to...
- Increase high quality, inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities from preschool through high school
- Positively impact the education of all students through educating school staff in evidence-based practices of inclusive education
- Create nationally recognized model schools in inclusive education

- Broadening Our Trainings
- Expanding Our Outreach
- Challenging Our Communities